Saturday, November 28, 2009

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

I need a hair's long now but I'm paranoid about my hair. Who cuts your hair? My hair guy moved far, far away....

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

No, but right after I got off the bus and off the yellow footprints at Parris Island waaaay back when, I was given my gas mask size and they wrote my platoon number on my hand and told me to stand in another line.

That line was to the barbershop, if you want to call it that. An old guy, kinda grumpy, asked, do you have any moles or scars on your head? No, I replied, then, in my head I was thinking, hell, I don't know, who knows that unless they have been shaved bald before! So, I sat there in angst waiting for this guy to find the mole that surely would explode in a bloody mess all over the floor, thankfully there were none. But my imagination is very good, so I clearly saw in my head what that would look like.

The DI would be screaming at me for not telling this guy I had a mole on my scalp, I would sit there and bleed as the other guys mocked me, and I would forever be known to the DIs from day one as Bloody Moron. Heh

But, no, I have never cried after a haircut, and since I didn't cry after that one, I probably never will, unless some dolt chops off my ear or something. Heh.

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

Just get yourself a bowl, put it over your head, and start a trimmin'!

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

Yes, I think I made the lady mad, and she told me to close my eyes, and when she was done, I had a mullet. I cried for months, and had to wear sunglasses on my head to act as a headband. I will never forgive her!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

omg yes..i it is really long don't cut it really short because you will miss it and it will feel werid and you will cry...I did.

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

not really... i don't really cry after getting a hair cut. i mean, it's just hair. it'll grow back! however, if it's a bad haircut, then yes, i'll probably cry!

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

no, actuallu I get quite happy

I hate it when my hair gets too long

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?


Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

my hairdresser-love having my hair cut feel a lot better not so shaggy looking

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

Yes I know how it feels to get a bad haircut. When I was in fifth grade my stepmother gave me this horrible haircut that was difficult to grow out. Kids made fun of me for years. I'm 26 and I dont know if I'm over it. Talk to people in your area and ask about a good stylist. Explain to the stylist that you want them to do as you say and not what they want to do. I wish you luck

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?


The Polish Barber Shop ...

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

I am very careful about that. I say take off the top but only cut bits off the length for the split ends. Usually works. Though years ago I had a hairdresser only way for cutting for her was scalp you. I am glad she retired.

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

YES a few days ago.. i hate it, im never getting it cut again!!!!! really think before you get it cut, mine was the biggest mistake i ever made!!!

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

yeah one time my mom was giving my hair a trim and she went a little to far, i started cryin cause i thought it was too short , but then i liked it, it grew back anyway

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

I have- went in for a trim and the first cut was 4 inches!!!

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

One time I decided to dye my hair blonde not a good idea if you have black hair my hair came out 5 different colors I had to get it chopped off and color corrected but my hair is to my waist now yay and my sister is a hairdresser she hates doing mine though because it takes so long.

Have you ever cried after getting a hair cut?

Cried? Not but I was pissed when my barber cut off too much. Damn him! I had to go baldy for the longest time.

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